
Words From Peeps

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 "The more we remain connected, the stronger the connection grows. The stronger the connection remains... the wider the connection spreads.  Allow the good to flow in... disconnect from the negative. Concentrate on what you want... believe in it and it will be yours"

-Justin Stootsberry, CEO of StootS Clothing

I pulled this quote from a facebook note that Justin sent out the other day. I fell madly in love with these words. They are so true.

Justin is a man of conviction and strength possessing at the same time one of the kindest hearts and spirits I have ever come into contact with. He just so happens to also be my counterpart and gives me more encouragement, space, and freedom to be myself than I have ever known before.  I wish for every woman to have the opportunity in her lifetime to actualize full acceptance by a man she loves... It is the most incredible experience.

(I kinda like him... can you tell? ;)

Check out Justin's kick-ass line of men's clothing by clicking the picture below (don't worry ladies... the clothes for you are coming soon!)... or learn more of him by reading his blog.

Peace & Love, 
Chandra Nicole 

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